Anita Cote, Ph.D., PEC-SCPE

Langley, Colombie-Britannique

Chaire de recherche du Canada sur l’adaptation cardiovasculaire à l’exercice
Professeure agrégée, École des sciences de l’activité physique, Trinity Wester University
Directrice, Centre for Health & Human Performance
Langley, Colombie-Britannique | @exercise4heart

Membre de l’ACSCF depuis avril 2024

Notice biographique (en anglais seulement)

Dr. Cote is the Canada Research Chair in Cardiovascular Adaptation to Exercise and a faculty member in the School of Human Kinetics at Trinity Western University. She also holds appointments as an Affiliate Investigator in the Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia (UBC), BC Women’s Research Institute, and BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute in Vancouver. Dr. Cotecompleted her PhD in the School of Kinesiology at the University of British Columbia, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship (Cardiology), specializing in sex differences in cardiac function and aortic stiffness in health in disease. Dr.Cote’s current research focuses on how the female heart adapts to exercise beginning in childhood and how exercise can be effective for reducing cardiovascular disease risk for individuals who have female sex-specific risk factors such as hypertension in pregnancy.