Brittany Schwende, M.Sc., B.Éd., B.Kin.

Montréal, Québec

Étudiante au doctorat
Kinésiologie et éducation physique
Université McGill
Montréal, Québec | @brittschwende

Membre de l’ACSCF depuis février 2024

Notice biographique (en anglais seulement)

I am currently in my second year of pursuing a Ph.D. in the Cardiovascular Health and Autonomic Regulation Lab at McGill University, under the mentorship of Dr. CharlotteUsselman. My primary research focuses investigating the effect of polycystic ovary syndrome on key mechanisms, including sympathetic nerve activity, vascular resistance, and cardiac output, all of which play crucial roles in blood pressure regulation. Prior to my doctorate degree, I spent three years as a high school teacher. Concurrently, I pursued my Master of Science degree, specializing in health behaviour curriculum development and knowledge translation. These experiences, coupled with my Ph.D. research project, have positioned me at a crucial intersection, enabling me to bridge research and education in CWHHA’s community outreach initiatives.