Jamie Alexiuk

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Stagiaire (recherche)
Université du Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Membre de l’ACSCF depuis février 2024

Notice biographique (en anglais seulement)

I am an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management and
expect to graduate in May 2024. As part of my kinesiology degree, I had the opportunity to join the
Chronic Disease Prevention and Physical Activity Lab under the supervision of Dr. Todd Duhamel and current CWHHA member and PhD candidate Jacqueline Hay. A central focus of the lab is women's heart health, a topic I am passionate about, especially the associations between lifestyle behaviours and
cardiovascular health.

My passion stems from a maternal family history of cardiovascular disease and personal
experiences with cardiac anxiety. Many of my loved ones have experienced heart attacks and strokes or,
like my mother, are currently managing hypertension. In recent years, I have struggled with hypotension,
bradycardia, anemia, and vasovagal syncope, which has resulted in being sent to countless bloodwork
and EKG appointments, as well as one trip to the Emergency department. My goal is to help protect
people like my mother, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, female friends, and myself by prioritizing the
advancement of research in women's heart health.

I plan to continue my education and pursue a Master's degree in kinesiology with Dr. Todd
Duhamel, investigating associations between sleep regularity and cardiovascular disease in older Canadian women