Monica Parry, M.Éd., M.Sc., inf. praticienne (adultes), Ph.D., CSIC(C)

Toronto, Ontario | @parryresearch

Professeure agrégée, Faculté des sciences infirmières Lawrence-S.-Bloomberg, Université de Toronto 
Infirmière praticienne, Cardiologie, Centre des sciences de la santé de Kingston
Toronto, Ontario | @parryresearch

Membre de l’ACSCF depuis septembre 2018

Notice biographique (en anglais seulement)

Dr. Monica Parry is a Nurse Practitioner (NP) in cardiac surgery and an Associate Professor and Coordinator of the NP Programs at the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto. She has a passion to improve the cardiovascular health of women as demonstrated through the Women’s Heart Health Hackathon Group Award for Knowledge Translation Exchange (KTE) in Women’s Heart Health [funded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, CIHR’s Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health, and CIHRs Institute of Gender and Health (IGH)]: Monica has received recent funding to evaluate Self-Management Programs for Women with Cardiac Pain (CIHR Synthesis Grant) and Develop and Test HEARTPA♀N: An Integrated Smartphone and Web-Based Intervention for Women with Cardiac Pain (CIHR Project Grant). She is a co-applicant on national and international grants related to sex and gender and participates in a Community of Inquiry to Integrate Sex and Gender into Health Research at the Women’s Xchange, Women’s College Hospital.